Sunday 1 May 2011

Below par

Today is possibly not the best day to start this, or perhaps it is. I don't have good or bad days, I prefer below par, above par and average. Today is a sustantially below par day. I have had little sleep, I have been in a constant fog all day and I feel low. However, I spent some very healing time with a friend who visited. We chatted gently - unusually no raucous laughter - and she advised I start a blog. So I have. Here I am. I am here, today, in this state as I have so far failed to learn the 'pace yourself or pay for it' lesson. As a daoist friend says, life will keep presenting you lessons until you learn from them. I am ready to learn. I understand it will involve sacrifice and I may not always like it, but the what I gain ultimately will outweigh what I stand to lose.I am stopping now as I am tired. See, I am already learning!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea Mand! Id love to follow your 'journey'. I am glad there is now a way i can see how youre doing. I love you and hug you with every post. xxxx
