Sunday 20 November 2011

A Write Story...

Having been away on a lovely retreat and dipped my toes in the healing pool at the Chalice Well (try everything - you never know) I discovered last Monday I have got myself in a pickle of potentially writing approx 50,000 words in just over three weeks. Hmm. After some thought, I decided to go for it. This has been an interesting 'experiment'. Generally, sitting in front of the computer is classed as an 'activity' and I have to pace myself - limit it to so long and rest either side of it or at least after it.
I had wondered, since on the first night at the retreat I have one of  my 'night episodes' (shivers, burning up, palpitations and a stomach dump just for good measure) and was awake until about 4am with it, if things were backsliding. Had I actually achieved some credit in my health bank or had it been showing a false balance and I was about to lose it all again? I recovered rather well from it, even managing to attend the Carnival in Glastonbury on the Saturday and stand (leaning on my stick) for most of it (sitting on a doorstep of a handy charity shop in between). I had also that day managed to walk up and down the high street doing a bit of shopping. The following day I wandered round the Chalice Well and gardens and then returned to the retreat, sat in the steam room and them swam for a bit. Ordinary for some, but quite a degree of activity for me. I would previoulsy have expected to pay for it. Other than sleep being annoyingly disturbed this week by a strange patch of numbness on my left hip (a whole new symptom in case I was getting bored or missing the ones that have gone) which then turned into foot pain just for good measure, there were no other repercussions. I have managed to sit and type 14,000 words this week. I did have some reflexology yesterday (foot pain gone now) and give in and take an Amitryptiline last night, but only because I was out with a friend today and wanted to enjoy it fully, which I did.
So. I hesitate to suggest there appears to have been some 'permanent' improvement, but I am hopeful the improvement attained will be long lasting. I'll keep you posted!

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