Thursday 29 September 2011

Everything in Moderation

Still on the old chestnut of pacing, or rather learning the best actvity/rest combo. It is a little bit like finding your way through a maze; confident the solution lies ahead, you plough on only to find a dead end. I am still keeping my morning routine of meditation, reiki, Five Tibetans. I am more used to the Five now and am managing 12 reps of most of the Five Rites (postures). I even kept this routine when I was away recently. So, that bit's okay then. It is still taking me a long time to wake up and part of the trouble is the Amitrityline 'hangover'. I experimented recently with not taking it at the weekend and there was no pain and sleep was about the same. So, I am going to try to take them during the week and leave them off Friday and Saturday night,especially since (touch wood) I have not had an insomnia periods for several weeks now. I am still struggling with pacing. Unexpected things get in the way or tasks just take longer than expected. I notice I am getting tense in  my shoulders again, and the teeth grinding is back. Some days I feel I have too much on, when it is just a few little things, but of course they all add up and take their toll. I am still listing things in my diary in favour of writing a schedule. I'm not sure this is any better. I am also still list writing as I am fearful of forgetting things, and I know I do forget. The Tai Chi provided through the CFS clinic is still proving surprisingly challenging and I have to keep sitting down. But then it is on my worst day for activity, being a Wednesday when I teach three classes during the day. Still, at least I recognise the need to sit down and don't just carry on pushing myself (1 lesson learned then!). I also took some peanuts and ate them in the car before driving home, and that felt better. I hope to buy some salted chocolate this weekend as a couple of squares of this proved very helpful after swimming. I have been reading Overcoming Chronic Fatigue, a book that uses CBT techniques. I am due to embark on the exercises. I'll start next week, when I have more time....!

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