Co-owning a complementary therapy centre, it would be foolish for me not to access the therapists within in an attempt to deal with this. On the first day of my diagnosis, when I left the GP surgery I rang my mum and hysterically cried down the phone at her saying my life was over and this was the worst thing ever. When I got some perspective later that day and calmed the hell down, I rang our nutritional therapist, our homeopath and our acupuncturist. There are so many books on the market about CFS/ME and I could see at a glance that comp therapies had been useful as had nutrition. I have clients who have CFS and conditions such as fibromyalgia which involves CFS. My mum had rheumatoid arthritis - something they've been trying to diagnose me with when they were't obsessed with thryoid, vit D and anaemia - she also has CFS 'days'. I consulted the professionals, I learned from people who have lived and still live with it. The blog is about what I have learned and what I am still learning.