Monday, 18 November 2013

Here I go again...

I can't believe it's been sooo long since my last post. November? Already?
Well, at last post I was bouncing around on my trampette (rebounder) and volunteering at Feed Bristol and feeling rather well. Unfortunately, I contracted that weird cold-virus thing that was doing the rounds and it really wiped me out. Then, as per usual when I am run down, shingles reared its ugly head, again. So, it was back to keeping myself going to work, and not much else, and a kill or cure attitude with echinacea and manuka honey. I lost my bounce a bit and have decided to take a break from Feed Bristol. This time of year involves a lot of digging and I just realistically can't do it. I am much better at admitting these things now.

Still, it's not all negative. In August I left quite a negative and unhelpful relationship and in September I accidently found a much better one! Starting as friends, we shared quite a lot of personal information, so at least he was well informed about what he was taking on with a chronically fatigued girlfriend, a neurotic dog and two attention seeking cats. Already, early days though this is, I know this is doing me a power of good. He is very supportive and has read up around the condition. Much as I manage it a lot better now, he is quite good at reigning me in, or noticing when I 'dip' and need to rest. I haven't been so pampered or cared for in a long time, it takes a bit of getting used to when you are so independent and reliant on routine to survive.

Sleep remains improved and I don't rely on camomile tea anymore, though still have the odd one.

Recently my back went, the first time in eight years. I had just started to experiment with a new form of exercise, so this was a big disappointment, but having had some physio and acupuncture, I am functional enough and having another go. This is a dvd a bought before my diagnosis four years ago. It has never been out of its wrapper so it felt really good to have a go, expect to not get all the way through, and manage it! It's only 20 mins but works cardio, strength and stamina. I am aiming to do this Tuesday and Thursday and still do the trampette in between. My aim in to improve stamina and strength in my legs. I would love my New Year's Resolution to be to walk without my stick!