Friday, 14 September 2012

The Three Rs- Rest, Relaxation and Red wine!

Ah me. Well things have not so much improved as worstened since the last post. In fact I went to the Off Licence after work Tues night to buy some red wine. I now have a rib out and have availed myself of Liz's electrical acupuncture to try to deal with pins and needles in forearm and fingers in addition to all the muscular problems and pains. Karen, our Osteo at Carpe Diem, now informs me if she doesn't have a go at the rib it will keep exacerbating the issues. She also warned me it will floor me for a day or so about 48 hours later. So, lucky me, this is being done today. Her parting shot was 'have an early lunch so you don't throw up when I do it'. I am not one for bothering about pain or discomforts during treatment but I may cry today. In the meantime, yesterday I went to the GP - as Liz is away for a week or so then I am away, so no elec acupuncture for me - to see about getting some heavier duty anti-inflammatories. She refused on the grounds that only total rest will deal with it. CFS people appear to be more prone to inflammatory issues and of course we fatigue our muscles quicker. I have already had a warning from Karen that I am overworking fatigued muscles. I have not heeded this particularly well. It is tricky being fully self-employed with no support at home as I live alone. I could tie floor cloths to the animals and scoot them about the place, but I don't think I can train them to iron, wash up or vacuum. So, in lieu of not being able to totally rest, a compromise has to be found. I had forgotten that when the CFS was so bad last year I taught my Pilates from a chair. Everyone was very understanding and I demonstrated only when absolutely necessary. I have somewhat taken for granted the improvement I have achieved this year. I am now very interactive. It is time to start to look for volunteers to demonstrate some shoulder exercises under my tuition I feel, at least for a few weeks. I have a weeks holiday (not enough according to the GP who frowned at me) and will make the most of that. Then I close for two weeks this year at Xmas. I was a bit grumpy about that, as that's a loss in income for me, but I think I will end up being grateful for it. Additionally, a wonderful friend is going to come and do an hour's cleaning once a week for me. That will take the pressure off. All I have to do is get to the end of this year, with that plan of action, and hopefully start next year all well again!